
New XO reporting for duty

Posted on Tue Jun 30, 2020 @ 3:04am by Captain Larisna Koralova

Mission: Mission 0 - While You Wait
Location: Bridge

LCMD Reazat had recently receive orders to report to the USS Hornet a Century Class ship as the new XO on the ship. She was excited to receive the assignment but was apprehensive of this due to it was the first time ship was reporting as an XO. She knew what to do and had received excellent training from Star Fleet Academy. She knew she was ready and was trying not to let her nervousness show.

As the shuttle approached the ship she was taking a good look at it and closely examining it from all angles she could. She asked the pilot of the shuttle to do a couple of circles around the ship so she could take everything in. Once the last pass was made she looked at the pilot and smiled. "Take us into a shuttle bay now Ensign." He smiled, "Yes Mam". Once they landed and the door opened she stepped off the shuttle. She showed her orders and everything to the security officer. He smiled, "Welcome aboard the Hornet Commander."

She walked around the shuttle bay watching everything that was going on. She got to the door to exited the shuttle Bay and entered a Long corridor. She walked to the turbo lift and entered, "Bridge." Once on the Bridge she exited the turbo lift. She stepped to the side and watched as things was happening. She went to the Captains Ready Room. and pressed the call Button.

Larisna sat in her ready room...trying to come to terms that she even had one to begin with. The Hornet was smaller than the Galaxy but far newer. She was still also coming to terms with the fact that this ship was under her command as well. The packing crates were still scattered around with her personal effects. The door chime snapped her out of her thoughts.

"Enter." Larisna said.

Reazat entered and stood at attention in an open area of the ready room. "Lieutenant Commander Veele Reazat reporting for duty Captain." She then awaited further orders.

Larisna smiled and stood up, extending a hand.

"Commander Larisna Koralova. Welcome aboard, Commander." Larisna said, and then gestured to the open chair opposite of her desk.

"Forgive the mess, my personal effects were only minutes ahead of me it seems. Please, take a seat. Can I get you anything to drink?" Larisna asked.

"Water is perfect Sir", replied Veele. "I figure mine quarters are in disarray too. I have my stuff point to point transported to my quarters." As she sat down in a chair.

Larisna walked over to the replicator. "Water, chilled. And iced coffee, Koralova sequence 2." She said and two glasses materialized with respective drinks in them. She set the glass of water on the opposite side of the desk with Veele before sitting down herself.

"I have to confess, this is all still a little new. We have an almost new ship and a good majority of the crew will be new as well." Larisna said, taking a sip, "I understand your last post was the USS Intrepid as Chief Medical Officer. Not often someone transitions like that from Medical to Command. Any particular reason, if I may ask."

Veele replied, " I was in a situation when the Intrepid was sent as 2XO the XO was severely injuries. I took over in place of the XO and did an great job under fire. The Orion Battle Cruiser was doing a lot of damage to us. They even had boarded in a couple of areas. I directed shipboard defenses while the CO continued the battle. We repelled the Orions and eventually sent the Orions limping back home with their tails between their legs and also free any slaves they had as well.

As a result Captian Davidson recommended me to be promoted to XO and Starfleet approved."

Larisna nodded.

"I saw the commendation report. Not often we see that these days, though. Saw a lot of that during the Dominion War, but not now." Larisna replied. "To be clear about something, though. While I cut my teeth during the evacuation of Betazed, I'm not some gung-ho sort looking to relive past battles. I joined Starfleet to protect, yes, but also to explore."

"And I think this ship offers us that chance. Starfleet Command almost thought it not worth building, you know? After what happened with Mars, and the issues plaguing the class in general, the Hornet was almost never built. Seems to me that we have a chance to write our own futures instead of watching the past." Larisna concluded with a half grin.

Veele smiled, "I like the idea of making new contacts that become friends to Starfleet. But at the same time. I am prepared to kick some butt if I have too. Captain. I also like to explore new galaxies and go to places no others have been before. I believe our first mission is to make friends but be able to defend Starfleet from all hostiles we need to."

"A hostile race should never get past a front line star ship. But at the same time we need to bring all the allies we can into the Federation. I don't like living on past glory. It is ancient history and something we brag about when we are old and retired from Starfleet.The stories are nice but our mission is to go out into space and explore."

Larisna considered that for a moment and nodded.

"Well, the first mission being to seek out new life and new civilizations, yes. But it's not about finding allies to fortify ourselves against an as to yet be determined enemy. It's to better ourselves by including new civilizations into the ever growing tapestry that is the Federation." Larisna replied, "By learning about others, we better ourselves."

"By that same measure, I don't expect everyone to set foot on this ship with that same mindset. You and I included. We have to consider a situation from multiple angles at once, the more prisms it is viewed through, the better. So, in short, we don't need to have mirroring views. I just felt it best to be plain, since often times, Tactical and Strategic backgrounds tend to clash with Medical ones." That got a grin in conclusion before the half-Trill took a sip of her drink.

Veele responded, "I agree Captain and think our number 1 mission is exploration and number 2 is to make new friends as we encounter new races. I love doing my job as a Starfleet officer and love doing thinks to learn more too. "

"I think we've about covered the formalities, Exec." Larisna said, "I don't want to keep circling the same point, and this isn't an interview; you already got the job. So. What've you been enjoying in your off duty time? Any good novels or holonovels? One of my fellow instructors at the Academy had a thing for desperate battles, like the Alamo and the Battle of Britain, brought over by one of the Engineering instructors. Amusing, but better with company. I'm currently indulging myself in the rough and tumble of the North American frontier in the late 1800s and early 1900s, not something I learned much of, half of my family is from Trill, the other half is from Russia."

Veele smiled, "I consider myself an amateur archaeologist. It is so interesting digging around old ruins and trying to figure out what cause their demise. Or how they lived while they were alive. I also love reading about the stars systems and trying to figure out what mysteries they hold as well. I love knowing any kind of knowledge, because knowledge is power in my point of view. And I also like studying the period on Earth during their world wars. Why they happened for example and how to possibly prevent future wars as well."

"All three were tragic and brutal. Four if you count the Eugenics Wars." Larisna commented, "But as important as the past is to remember, it's not something we should be living in."

She then smiled, "Well, you certainly have challenged my views of my colleagues in Medical, Commander. I think that alone is going to make this an interesting time. We live in a time where many views require challenging."

"I think what we need, assuming the senior staff boards today, is an icebreaker, a chance to meet together and mingle a little. Given the caretaker crew is still running the ship until we've taken on more of our crew, we have plenty of time for that. I'm thinking a dinner with the senior staff would go a long ways...but do I have the galley prepare something or do we perhaps want to have each member of the staff, ourselves included, select a dish that means something to them and we do it buffet style?"

Veele thought for a moment and smiled, "A little mingle among the senior staff would allow for everyone to get together. And let them get to know each other. This would be good for morale and also help the senior staff develop trust in one another while also allowing for culture exchange Captain. On my last ship I new little about the various races serving on board except their medical stuff.

Thank you Captain, I will defend my ship to the death if necessary and also go to the fullest extreme to protect my crew. As First Officer it is my duty to do whatever it takes to keep the Hornet in fighting condition. And do what is necessary to do my job. I take my duties seriously."

"Well...let's just start with duty rosters and crew evaluations. No sense rushing to Sto'vo'kor quite yet, Commander." Larisna replied, "Very well. Submit what you'd like to have shared with the senior staff to the galley to be prepared for tonight. If there's nothing else, I'll let you get situated in your quarters. Dinner will be held at 1900 Hours, observation lounge."

Veele stood at attention, "Understood Captain, See you at dinner sir."

Veele turned and went to the door and exited. Going through the Ridge and down to the deck her quarters was on along with her office.


