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Pre Plans and Hopes

Posted on Sat Aug 7, 2021 @ 6:02pm by Captain Larisna Koralova

Mission: Mission 1R - Vigilance Be Our Shield
Location: Observation Lounge, USS Hornet
Timeline: M1D1

Larisna stood in front of the large wall display next to her guest, a Klingon General. Turek was a familiar face to her, even if his hair was greyer now and he wasn't as imposing as he had been on that fateful day they'd met. He still wore the traditional armor and furs of a Klingon officer, the only sign he was a General being the sash of medals he had across his torso. He watched with his one good eye, the other had a scar crossing over it and was milky white, a hand resting thoughtfully on his bare chin.

"Thanks to your efforts, General, our workload has been limited to really only these systems here," Larisna tapped each one on the screen to enlarge them, "Two archeological dig sites, one agricultural cooperative, a trading post and several relief efforts."

"It was not their war, and the High Council felt it prudent." Turek replied. Larisna glanced at him with a knowing smile. She knew the High Council had nothing to do with it, those orders had come from the local commander in the area. But she left that unspoken.

"The agricultural cooperative oddly is going to be the longest running one, hence why we requested the Zaikov. We're going to need a lot of shuttles and space to get everything out. But if all goes well, we'll be in and out by the end of the week." Larisna continued.

"And if it does not?" Turek asked, a smile of his own creeping across his face.

"Fight around us then." Larisna replied. That got a booming laugh from Turek, who patted her on the shoulder a bit too hard but less than he would have done to a Klingon. He then headed back to his seat. Larisna sat down at the head of the table, leaving the map up.

"I don't envy you this task, Captain. I know better than others that Starfleet bears the burden of keeping the peace and to have to stand back, it will require considerable willpower." Turek said, "But not all Klingons do, and many are the same old fools who sit on the High Council. They want you to break Martok's trust, to prove him wrong. Arrogant old pahta'qs, their pride is more important than the entire universe."

"I understand. Restraint is often harder than one thinks. Easy enough to say not to do something. To then not do it...well, that's an entirely different matter." Larisna replied.

"...I always wondered where that angry and terrified young Ensign I beamed aboard my ship went." Turek commented wistfully, "Experience has forged you quite well, Captain. I see the fire within, but you let it slumber. And let Grethor take whoever awakens it."

"I seem to recall that a Klingon Captain once told me to do what Starfleet does best - burn away ignorance with the fire of knowledge. I had that stamped on something I keep on my desk, it's a small block of metal, the hull of the Savannah, in Klingon." Larisna replied.

There was a brief silence between the two before Turek turned back to the map.

"You must tread carefully, Captain. Several of the Houses that march to war with the Gorn are ruled by the arrogant fools who sit on the Council. They would be eager to see you be the catalyst of their self-fulfilling prophesy." Turek explained.

Larisna nodded and let out a sign, "I'm sure more than a few people in Starfleet would love that too. That restraint is betraying our principles. Or that there is glory to be found here that they missed from the Dominion War." Larisna replied.

"There is glory to be found, yes, but it is not your war. This must be done, for the sake of the Klingon Empire. Perhaps the Gorn will be reforged in this war, or at least an outlet of their anger will be found. Better now then decades later when it has festered and alliances have been found." Turek said.

=A= Bridge to Captain =A= A junior officer's voice said.

=A= Go ahead. =A= Larisna replied

=A= Captain, personnel recalls are being completed and the Gorn representative is on their way. =A= The officer said.

=A= Understood. Advise Engineering that the pod needs to be ready in eight hours. As soon as the remaining ships of our task force arrive, we need to meet with their Captains. I also want a staff meeting in ten hours but I want department heads to report in before then. =A= Larisna explained, =A= If they need orders, they can report to me. Koralova out. =A=


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