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Medical Check-Ups & Introductions

Posted on Wed Sep 15, 2021 @ 8:49pm by Lieutenant Jaro Antos

Mission: Mission 1R - Vigilance Be Our Shield
Location: Sick Bay, USS Hornet
Timeline: M1D1 0730 Hours

Jaro Antos found his way to Sickbay with Aiko in tow. They both had now been on board the Hornet not quite a full day yet and already they felt somewhat at home. Antos even managed to have the best sleep he had ever had in a while. He had spent by far a larger proportion of his life sleeping on various spacecrafts with the ubiquitous hum of the engines beneath his feet. It was funny and strange how much a difference that noticeable but nearly silent hum made.

He had not realized how much he missed it.

Aiko for her part he knew had struggled to sleep. Being on a starship was not a regular occurrence for her, at least not for the past decade. Antos did not know when she had finally been able to sleep, but he could see from the dark circles in her eyes that it could not have been long ago. He had offered to let her sleep in, but she insisted on coming with him to Sickbay for the pair to complete their required medical check-up.

The turbolift doors opened onto a new deck, and Antos and Aiko stepped out. Antos quickly got his bearing and started heading towards Main Sickbay. In a short while, they were entering the medical facility and Antos quickly inquired from the orderly about seeing whichever doctor was on duty to complete their physical.

"Lieutenant Jaro, Aiko Kato." Hirsch greeted the two new members of the USS Hornet's crew. "Please, come in. I am Doctor Hirsch, you can simply call me Calvin." Hirsch greeted. Hirsch wondered if the two engaged were in Sick Bay for their boarding physicals.

"Pleasure to meet you doc...uh, I mean Calvin," Antos stated.

Aiko for her part smiled and nodded at the doctor. "Nice to meet you Calvin.

Hirsch noticed that Jaro was Bajoran and Aiko was human, of Japanese descent. A handsome man, flight control. And also Kato was very beautiful as a wife, and soon to be married. Hirsch had led them to the nearest bio beds. 04 and 05 were open and ready for work ups.

"Please have a seat." Hirsch had time on his hands down in sick bay, and found it amusing to meet a young couple, joining a starship together. In a good way. The more family onboard, the more the Hornet was a whole home.

"Jaro, Kato. Do any of you have any medical issues right this moment?" Hirsch's visual inspection when the two had entered, left him feeling that they were a bit casual and not in an emergency.

"Please call me Aiko." She was more comfortable with informal ways of relating and addressing those around her, which she suspected was a reaction of the overly formal and protocol-laden career as a Diplomatic Aide.

Antos sat on bio-bed number four and Aiko did the same on number five. Normally, Antos would be defensive by now particularly in a medical facility but Aiko had a calming influence on him.

"No medical issues to speak of," Antos responded.

"Aside from a touch of loud snoring," Aiko chimed in with a smile. "But that is easily remedied with a loving kick to the shin."

She grinned as she turned to Calvin, "For my part, I am also in good health. I have a history of high blood pressure but it is well managed with regular medication."

"And the gentle love of her knight in shining amour also known as me," Antos quipped.

Cal couldn't help but enjoy the couple. Already Hirsch could tell that the two were deeply in love, and it was beautiful to see, especially on a Starship.

"Well. I don't know how effective a good kick in the shin can be, but I am sure the snoring is an effect from a hard day's work." Cal had stated as he commenced with his Standard Medical Physical for a new Mission.

"I have just a few medical-related questions." Cal stood aside as one of the Nurses had walked up to the two new crewmates.

"They are dating, aren't they?" Asked Sarah Hansman. She was always looking for the latest gossip on the ship as she grinned. "Annnnndd cute too! I like them."

Cal had turned to the Nurse, who suddenly looked to be unwelcome in Hirsch's presence. "Nurse Hansman, please don't tell me you left the bio septic on auto while coming to.... chat." Hirsch swallowed unpleasantly. Re-focusing back on Jaro and Aiko.

"I apologize, Jaro, Aiko. Where were we?" Cal eyed Sarah as she swiftly turned on her feet and rushed back to the biochemical lab.

Aiko chuckled at the Nurse.

"Have either of you recently been to Facasha IV, Taltr'Ha Oona, Lyrca II, the Federation colony on Zantac 5, or the recently quarantined sector 04, Starbase 11?" While Dr. Hirsch asked the couple, he taped a few lcar commands into the sick bay's computer and then withdrew the medical sensor from the top of his tricorder. He was scanning the two for any current abnormalities, pathogens, drugs… the usual.

"Can't say that I have," Antos announced, stroking his chin in deep thought. "At least not in the last five years."

"I was at Starbase 11 for a diplomatic conference," Aiko announced, "but that was two years ago."

Hirsch had nodded to the Lieutenant's answers, both accurate and being recorded for their medical records. As he scanned, Hirsch noted the varying metrics for health indicators. The Tricorder immediately identified Jaros as Bajoran, and Aiko as Human. "Everything looks well." Hirsch continued his scans, as personable as he felt he could, he informed his patients. "I am noting a slight fracture, very minute." Hirsch had narrowed in the scans to the back shoulder of Antos. "Have you ever had a back trauma, any incident within the past 5.... well... 7 years." Hirsch judged the medical tricorders respective data outputs.

Antos paused trying to think. The problem was not trying to find an event that could have resulted in a fracture. It was trying to figure out how to succinctly state the number of times he had been involved in once incident or another. Most of these were off-duty and were from things like orbital skydiving, mountain climbing...even running.

Antos was not a man who did things by half measures. He usually went full swing into any activity he tried and if there was competition, he always strived to win, sometimes at significant risk to himself.

"Well," Antos said. "As I'm sure you'll likely see, I have my share of bumps and bruises. I guess the main one is a fighter accident I was involved in...oh, nearly five years ago I think?"

"Four years and three months," Aiko specified.

Antos grinned. "Thanks fighter malfunctioned and I crashed into a moon. I sustained several fractures in addition to other injuries but I thought most had healed."

"Nothing of concern Antos." Hirsch narrowed his eyes as he moved onward to Aiko's scan. "Most of us do have fractures that are un noticed, broken toe, sprained fingers. Door sensors not sliding open at the last minute." He offered, remembering the famous incident of Lieutenant Ash, having accidentally knocked herself out on Deck 07, by contact to an un-responsive doorway.

"Ouch...that sounds painful. Well Antos has had more than his fair share of walking into doors," Aiko chimed in.

"Never been knocked out though," Antos quickly added. Turning from Aiko to Hirsch. "How long have you been on the Hornet doc?" he asked. He knew everyone was new to this ship, being of a fairly new design, but he knew some were newer than others. Some had been part of the shakedown cruise, whereas others, like himself, were only just arriving now.

"Really? So this door issue is becoming a common symptom." Hirsch mocked confusion. "I think I need to look into this with some journal research." He winked. "Honestly. I've hit a few myself." Hirsch had finished his tricorder scan and then set it aside on the metal tray.

"I have been on the Hornet for a short while. Really only during its short assignment, and then re-assignment. It is good to be back. The Starbase was rather stuffy, too much brass." "How long have you been a couple. Are you in marriage?" Hirsch was curious, not that it would matter in any way. Antos and Aiko both were very welcoming, and cute together.

"Good question Doctor," Aiko said, a playful grin on her face as she turned to Antos. "I'll let you take this one."

Antos chuckled. "Well, officially four years...but unofficially," and he turned to Aiko smiling, "practically all my life."

"You forgot the part about how it took you twenty years to even say you loved me," Aiko chimed in.

"That argument cuts both ways my dear," Antos replied grinning playfully. "It is the 2300s after all." He paused looking back to the Doctor. "We've been engaged for a little over year now."

"And what about you Doctor?" Aiko asked. "If you don't mind me asking, any significant other on this ship or elsewhere?"

Hirsch smiled. “The stars are my mistress.” He winked. He leaned up against the free biobed to the other side. “A small ship like this, you learn to keep this professional. However, who knows.” Calvin, of course, couldn’t speak that he had a crush on the Captain, out of all people.

"Great response doc," Antos replied impressed with the answer first half of the answer. It sounded like something he would have said years ago in his single days and it really is quite surprising that he never thought to say that.

Aiko for her part nodded and smiled at Calvin as if she had been able to glean some sort of secret from his response. "Who knows indeed."

Sensing that their conversation was now at a natural end, Aiko added, "Thank you Calvin. It was a pleasure to meet you and hope this is the first of many."

"Ditto doc," Antos added.


Lt. Jaro Antos
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Hornet


Aiko Kato
USS Hornet


Lt. Calvin Hirsch
Chief of Medical
USS Hornet


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